n8tvdoug, 51 yo/male
  • Profile Pic
    n8tvdoug ♂
  • Online Status
  • Birthday
    June 2, 1968
    🎂 🎁
  • Country
  • Real Name: douglas scott monroe
  • Location: calgary
  • Age: 51
  • About Me i am native ,like art.music,and lots of other things.
  • Favourie TV Show happy days but mandilorian
  • Biggest Jackpot: lots
  • Interests: bingo
  • Favorite Quote: too be or not too be.....that is the question!or be yourself everyone is taken budy,pal,friend or you
  • Music: all
  • Movies: war,action, comedey,and lots of other things.
  • Books: westrens,spencer novels ,anne rice ,and many others.
  • Children: scott ,charlene ,skylynn,zoey.
  • Pets: none
  • Zodiac: gemini
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