jujubean1952, 67 yo/female
  • Profile Pic
    jujubean1952 ♀
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  • Country
    United States
    United States
  • Real Name: judy dyer
  • Location: ABILENE
  • Age: 67
  • About Me i love playing bingo just wish i had my old user name back jujubean loved that name the reason i was gone so long i had medical issues
  • Favourie TV Show NCIS
  • Interests: dyerjudy13@gmail.com
  • Favorite Quote: love the people god gave you some day he will need them back
  • Music: country
  • Movies: meda
  • Children: 3 boys 1 girl
  • Pets: 1 puppy(chole)
  • Zodiac: cancer
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